Buy NFTs to be part of the project! (see link at the bottom page).


1 - Duccio and his “Reversed Harp” are the first and only ones for now, but an opportunity is given: let's create together the new course of the history of the Harp for the centuries to come, with a new musical instrument and a “School for Reversed Harp” to teach the innovative technique!!!

NFTs could be the best way to connect directly with subject interested in the very beginning first evolution of the project!


2 - I am pleased to submit to your attention a project that, in my opinion, has great development potential.

The production idea - focusing on the creation of a new harp to be played with a new different technique - stems from the existence of an Italian Patent for a "String Musical Instrument", related to a Harp that I have defined as "Reversed", which is tuned in a particular way, and played with an innovative technique. As a matter of fact, these innovations, protected by the patent, outline a new musical instrument, more versatile and adaptable when compared - in the panorama of musical performance and composition - to the little-used Traditional Harps, meaning classical concert harps (with pedals), as well as mediaeval, Irish, Celtic, Renaissance, Baroque harps etc. (with hooks or levers).

3 - However, the patent is nearing the end of its duration, as the owner-inventor Domini Orlando - actually a busy lawyer by profession - has not had the opportunity, from 2005 until now, to profitably dedicate himself to the productive development of the musical instrument by promoting and spreading the new technique around. In this case it is possible to say that - after all - it is never too late, if the vision for the “School for Reversed Harp” is to overturn the erroneous status quo on which humanity has based its knowledge for millennia, in relation to the magnificent instrument, the Harp, which has been so misunderstood and underused until now!

The legal protection of the innovation could, in any case, continue to develop in the future, even after the natural expiration of the patent (in 2026), for example, through the development of protection for the “Reversed Harp” with reference to Utility Model, Design or Industrial Design, Trademark, Trade Sign, Copyright, also taking advantage of the latest opportunities arising from NFTs on the Blockchain.

4 - Currently there is only one prototype of the "Reversed Harp", created with the help of a simple carpenter in 2000, and to this day perfectly functional; confirming that the construction technique used has resulted in a valid product. Currently there is only the inventor able to play a “Reversed Harp”, with the innovative technique.

5 - The idea of having a school to create new specimens of the new musical instrument and to teach the new technique to New Musicians, could lead to surprisingly complex and positive developments, given that we operate in a sector - the musical one - where the fame achieved by a single musician of the school or a single piece of music (or the collaboration with well-known artists), could rapidly, and to the nth degree, develop the interest of musicians and aspiring musicians towards the "Reverse Harp" instrument and towards the innovative technique for playing tha new instrument, both coming from the “School for Reversed Harp”.

6 - If this evolution were to happen - in order to meet market demand - the future construction of the new musical instruments, and the future activity of the school for teaching the new technique, would be the exclusive prerogative of the initial group of builders identified in the very first individuals who will purchase the NFTs connected to the fundraising for the construction of the first 10-20 specimens of “Reversed Harp", starting to learn also the new technique in the brend new “School for Reversed Harp”.

The activities of the school would encompass teaching the innovative technique for playing the reversed harp as well as other related musical skills.

7 - In the event of a desirable international scalability of the project (always possible in a disruptive form through the vehicle of the musical piece, with audio-video from the school to be promoted also abroad), the construction of the harps in other European and non-European Countries, as well as the teaching of the new technique, could always be developed, but exclusively with the organization and participation of the few founding members of the project.

The founding members become the Custodians and only ones entitled to the production of the musical instrument "Reversed Harp" and to the diffusion of its new technique.

The “School for Reversed Harp” would contribute to the international scalability of the project by potentially offering online courses or international workshops to reach a wider audience.

8 - In practice two phases are required, recreating the personal experience of the inventor:

A - Musical instruments are built starting from the drawings and the existing and functioning prototype (built by the inventor with the help of a simple carpenter and not of a luthier).

Lessons on the new technique will be brought by the inventor to the first individuals who will purchase the NFTs (or will be selected by the NFT's buyer among his best musician/composer/singer).

B - The instrument is promoted through some presentations, considering that the inventor can perform about 20 covers - arrangements for “Reversed Harp” alone - and additional 18 pieces specifically composed for the instrument by the inventor.

As a further promotional development, there is the small book, specific and illustrative, written by the lawyer-inventor (in Italian language with some abstract in English), titled: "Law and Art - Autobiography for Reversed Harp".

9 - The project is believed to have strong "scalability", since the construction of the instrument - in itself relatively easy - could also be developed in various carpentry workshops, throughout Italy or even abroad in case of strong future diffusion of the interest in the musical instrument. While sharing the new technique with other musicians could positively impact the project by generating interest and support for the “Reversed Harp”.

Later on, the lessons on the new technique will be brought, by the inventor and first individuals who purchased the NFTs, to all other musician coming from the rest of the world, in order to conquer new territory, with new musicians playing the “Reversed Harp”.

10 - It might also be appropriate to enhance local products, using the tree species present on site (the prototype of the “Reversed Harp” was built with: maple for the supporting structure, willow for the side panels, and red fir from Val di Fiemme for the soundboard, but other essences can also be used: maritime pine, olive, chestnut, oak, rosewood, etc.).

11 - Regarding production, in Italy it would be interesting to valorise the red fir from Val Camonica in the Province of Brescia (which certainly has the same qualitative characteristics as the neighboring red fir from Trentino's Val di Fiemme, known for its acoustic characteristics in string instruments: Stradivarius violins, cellos, guitars, etc.).

12 - The inventor is available to organize, in Brescia, a presentation of the musical instrument created and of the new technique, with musical performances. If necessary, the inventor can play for up to a couple of hours and illustrate various concepts: both technical (on the innovative concept of the “Reversed Harp”) and artistic (on the personal creative path of the lawyer-artist).

During the presentation of the new technique at the school, there could be structured sessions including practical exercises, demonstrations, or theoretical lessons.

13 - With the evolution of production, there could be carpentry workshops capable of producing, even autonomously, the "Reversed Harps", if it becomes necessary to produce them in larger quantities, but always under the supervision and license of the few founding members, organizers and financiers of the project who have participated since the very beginning.

14 - Expanding on the long-term vision of the project, a good work will be necessary on creating social profile for every single musician and on preserving copyright on songs arranged or created for the “Reversed Harp”, to be collected in a Repertoire for use by members of the Community of the new musical instrument.

The greater the number of songs that can be performed, the greater the chances of success of the new “Reversed Harp”.

In this way the School for Reversed Harp” could play a role in preserving the new tradition of the “Reversed Harp” and its innovative technique.

15 -The present project is regarded as of significant interest, having to focus the objective not only on the desired economic-entrepreneurial result, but also - broadening the horizon - on the type of involvement of New Young Musicians towards an ambitious goal of overturning ordinary schemes, following a concrete innovation related to the new evolution of a magnificent musical instrument so far little accessible due to the complex executive technique used in the traditional instrument.

In short, on the OPENSEA website You can:

- directly go buying NFT for one of the 10 harps (costs ETH 1,00), or

- buy a stay in Brescia for 2 days to meet the “Reversed Harp” (costs ETH 0,33) and then decide about buying the Reversed Harp or not.

Thank you for your attention.

Orlando Domini (known as Duccio)


25121 - B R E S C I A - I T A L Y

cell. 3315292678

tel. 030 3366482

fax 030 3362733

e-mail: :

Skypename: studio.domini